CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees - Transcript

Date: June 15, 2006



COOPER: Well, you heard a little bit from Charlie Norwood in Candy's report. I spoke with him earlier tonight, along with Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich. And I began by asking Congressman Norwood about the line that got all the headlines, his statement that tomorrow's vote is a choice between America and al Qaeda.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) NORWOOD: I think those who vote against this resolution are making a large mistake because that sends a signal across the world and it helps people, our adversary in Iraq, and it keeps us from getting our troops home.

COOPER: Representative Kucinich, what about that? Do you stand with al Qaeda?

REP. DENNIS KUCINICH (D), OHIO: Well, I think that everyone knows that we're in Iraq for all the wrong reasons, that Iraq didn't have any weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam Hussein was not involved with al Qaeda, with respect to 9/11. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

So what we're looking at right here is a Baathist insurgency that didn't start with al Qaeda. Our presence there has actually emboldened al Qaeda and that's another reason why we need to get out.

COOPER: Congressman Norwood, this debate on the Hill today, isn't it more about politics than really about debating issues related to the war? Isn't it more about trying to pigeon hole the Democrats, trying to show divide between the Democrats and Republicans?

NORWOOD: It isn't about politics to me. And that's the only one I can answer for. When I listen to the Democrats, there are some who actually believe we shouldn't be there. They really truly believe that. There are others I can't tell. I think what they really believe is this is a way to hurt the president.

The way you hurt the troops and the way you hurt this country is continuing to say, oh, we can't win, oh, we've got to come home. Our plan is just to pull out to Kuwait. John Kerry is doing the same thing now that he did in Vietnam. He's bad mouthing our troops.

He related to us in Vietnam as Genghis Khan. Well, now we're talking bad again. We got -- and that's the kind of thing you think this won't be on TV tomorrow in the Arabian world? They'll all see John Kerry and Dennis Kucinich...

KUCINICH: Hey, John Kerry is a good American, Charlie. And so am I and so are you. You don't need to make this...

NORWOOD: I'm trying not to interrupt you.

KUCINICH: It's not about interrupting. You can't challenge somebody's patriotism.

NORWOOD: I didn't challenge his patriotism. What I said is he's doing the same thing he did in Vietnam. He is hurting the troops in the field by sending signals around the world that we can't win, we must come home, it is all over, oh my goodness, it is so terrible, we need to finish this mission. And we can only do it by, I hope, all of us in America saying, standing behind our troops, let's get this done, let's get Iraq in position they can take care of themselves, then let's all come home happily. COOPER: Now that troops are there, the war continues. Do Democrats actually have a plan for winning the war or is getting out where the Democratic Party is moving?

KUCINICH: Today Democrats, by and large, want to bring our troops home.

Now, let it be said, this is President Bush's war. He's the one who told the American people there were weapons of mass destruction. He's the one who told the American people that the Iraqis were trying to get uranium from Niger. He's the one who conflated Iraq with 9/11. It's on his watch and it's his responsibility.

COOPER: I appreciate your passion on both sides of the aisle. Congressman Norwood and Congressman Kucinich, thank you very much.

KUCINICH: Charlie, good to be here with you.

NORWOOD: Yes, Dennis, good to see you.

