Global Warming

Date: March 29, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

GLOBAL WARMING -- (House of Representatives - March 29, 2006)

(Mr. INSLEE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, I want to echo my friend Mr. Kingston's remarks and urge Members to take a look at his and Mr. Engel's bill for another reason besides national security, that is, it has the additional benefit of dealing with the climate change that the globe is now experiencing. This is kind of a two-fer, the bill that Mr. Kingston just described.

One, it can free us from our addiction to Middle Eastern oil or help in that direction; and, two, it can deal with a problem that you can read about in Time magazine. The cover story in Time magazine is about global warming. It says: be afraid, be very afraid.

I hate to think it is from fear. I like to think it is from hope. We ought to have the hope that we can free ourselves from our addiction to Middle Eastern oil, and we can stop global warming if we do some of the commonsense things that Mr. Kingston and Mr. Engel have proposed.

For those who have been paying attention to the science in the last month, we have learned that the Greenland glaciers are accelerating at a factor of two. The Arctic has lost 36 cubic miles of ice. Polar bears are drowning due to a lack of ice. It is time for some action. Take a look at this bill.
