America's Security

Date: March 9, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

AMERICA'S SECURITY -- (House of Representatives - March 09, 2006)

(Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, as we come to the floor this morning, there is a common theme. It is all about America's security, from cell phones to ports to reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. Our goal is to keep America secure and put the focus on America's security agenda, our economic security.

And tomorrow we will have new numbers out, and we know they are going to be strong for our unemployment rates, for our productivity growth, for new jobs creation. We are looking forward to those announcements.

This body continues to focus on the moral security of this great Nation: our retirement security; our energy security; and, yes, our national security. And I congratulate the Members of this body and thank our leadership for reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act this week. Our focus: keep America secure so that future generations have the opportunity to live those big dreams that today they dream.
