Conference Report on H.R. 3199, USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005

Date: Dec. 14, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 3199, USA PATRIOT IMPROVEMENT AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2005 -- (House of Representatives - December 14, 2005)


Mr. BLUNT. Madam Speaker, I thank the chairman for yielding and for the incredible hard work he has done to bring this bill to the floor, both to help create this legislation 4 years ago, to review it time after time after time for the last 4 years and to extend it into the future with the safeguards that have been discussed here on the floor today.

In terms of the review process, I think the Attorney General today in some information he put out suggested that there were at least 23 separate hearings last year of oversight, this is last year alone, of oversight on this act; witness after witness after witness called to testify about what was happening with the act. This oversight work that the chairman has been largely responsible for has made a difference in the way the law was implemented, has made a difference in the way we offer it to be extended today and has made a difference, frankly, in the safety and security of America.

There is nothing in this law, nothing in the law the last 4 years, nothing in the law as we look to the future that was not available to law enforcement for organized crime. What crime could be more organized than terrorism?

No one has come up with a single instance where someone's rights were impacted by the PATRIOT Act, because of the PATRIOT Act. There is no evidence that there are problems, and we all could easily be aware of a number of instances, where there is no concern about the fact that the PATRIOT Act made a difference in the safety and security of America.

Another thing that the chairman worked hard to put in this act is some legislation that I originally introduced that deals with the problem of methamphetamine, and methamphetamine does become a security issue. It particularly becomes a bigger issue as our borders become more secure. People turn to this drug as the drug for funding of illicit activities, as the drug of choice when imported drugs are not available. That is an important addition to the bill today.

But the PATRIOT Act with two provisions that need to be reviewed in 4 years, the PATRIOT Act with a Judiciary Committee and an oversight responsibility that will continue to be, as it has been, extensive in ensuring that the executive branch does what the PATRIOT Act intends it to do with the maximum protection for individual freedom and the maximum protection for the security of our Nation.

We don't want to face 9/11 again, and we certainly don't want to face a 9/11 that could have been prevented. If the law enforcement techniques and tools that are available for organized crime continue to be available for terrorism, this allows that to happen.

I come to praise the chairman and his committee and to seek a ``yes'' vote on this bill today.

