House Republicans Lead for Fiscal Responsibility

Date: Oct. 7, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

HOUSE REPUBLICANS LEAD FOR FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY -- (House of Representatives - October 07, 2005)

(Mr. WILSON of South Carolina asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam Speaker, all levels of government have recently learned the critical importance of saving and planning for a rainy day.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were a sudden wake-up call for our Nation. As the Federal Government begins to pay for the costs of these devastating disasters, Congress must adhere to a responsible plan and a strict budget. If we do not use this opportunity to reform the spending habits of the Federal Government, our children and grandchildren will inherit tax increases and unimaginable deficits. They do not deserve to suffer the harsh consequences of earlier generations' fiscal irresponsibility.

Yesterday, House Republican leaders introduced a 4-point plan that will increase mandatory savings, decrease discretionary spending, offset reconstruction costs, and will eliminate wasteful government programs. By using our resources to provide for our Nation's needs, this plan will protect the future of American citizens and strengthen our economy.

In conclusion, God bless our troops and we will never forget September 11.
