Date: July 27, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

DR-CAFTA -- (House of Representatives - July 27, 2005)

(Ms. HARRIS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to encourage my colleagues to pass the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement. I have spoken here many times on the benefits of this bill and what it would bring to our Nation and to the State of Florida, but let us remember also the benefits of free trade flow both ways.

Not only would expanded trade opportunities help American businesses, agricultural products, ranchers, and workers by removing expensive trade impediments and leveling the trade playing field; but also with improved conditions, we can look forward to a time when the threat of illegal narcotics, human smuggling, illegal immigration, and other criminal activities is no longer part of the fabric of life in Central America, Mexico, and our southern United States border.

Such a development would contribute to the security of the United States and all of our partners in this hemisphere and would greatly benefit the people of Central America. With greater development, it will contribute to more political stability and a strengthened rule of law for our partners in the DR-CAFTA region, a region that has suffered under the heels of civil war and political corruption for far too long.

With expanded trade, the people of the Central American region will enjoy a higher standard of living and greatly improved work conditions. In the 1980s, Congress cast difficult votes to militarily assist these nations to foster fledgling democracies. Today, these efforts have proven successful, and we are voting to expand our trade opportunities.

Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support this critical politically stabilizing act.

