Letter to Acting Director McGettigan - Exempt Seasonal Firefighters From Federal Hiring Freeze


Dear Acting Director McGettigan:

We write regarding the Administration's recent decision to impose an across-the-board hiring freeze of federal workers. As Members of Congress who represent states impacted annually by wildfires, we are concerned this hiring freeze prohibits the U.S. Forest Service from hiring seasonal firefighters and other professionals in anticipation of wildfire season.

Upon taking office, the President signed a memorandum freezing hiring of federal civilian employees in the executive branch, with a stated exception of the military. On January 25, 2017, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued guidance directing agencies to hire workers offered a job on or before January 22nd and have documentation showing a start date of February 22nd or earlier. Agencies may revoke other existing job offers at their discretion. The OMB guidance gives OPM the authority to grant limited exceptions for national security or public safety.

According to the National Federation of Federal Employees, the Forest Service hired at least 6,200 seasonal workers for firefighting or firefighting-related duties in 2015. These seasonal firefighters supplement state and local firefighters to prepare for wildfire season and contain wildfires as they emerge. In order to ensure they are trained and ready for wildfire season, the Forest Service's hiring process traditionally begins over the next several weeks with a series of job fairs in wildfire-prone states. We are concerned that this process will be interrupted, delayed, or prohibited by the Administration's hiring freeze.

We recognize that additional guidance on this matter is forthcoming. If OPM determines that an exception to the Administration's hiring freeze is necessary for the Forest Service to hire seasonal firefighters, we respectfully urge you to grant one for public safety purposes. Sufficient staffing at the Forest Service help keep our families, homes, and businesses safe from wildfires.

Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact Michael Wong with Congresswoman Sinema's office at Michael.Wong@mail.house.gov. Thank you in advance for your consideration and your attention to this request.
