Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Every one of Missouri's working families should have access to affordable, high-quality healthcare. Healthcare shouldn't be subject to partisan extremism. As governor, Chris will work to end the political posturing and heated rhetoric surrounding healthcare in Missouri.


Chris recognizes Medicaid expansion is one of the biggest economic development opportunities Missouri has seen in decades. Expansion would provide healthcare coverage to 300,000 working Missourians, create tens of thousands of new, good-paying jobs in every corner of our state, and invest billions of dollars into Missouri's economy. One study even shows every $1 from expanding Medicaid in Missouri would result in nearly $5 being added back into the our economy.

The legislature's failure to expand Medicaid has placed a tremendous burden upon Missouri's healthcare providers. Across our state, rural hospitals are cutting staff and shutting down operations. Doctors are struggling to keep up with their patients. Chris knows our families don't deserve to sit and suffer while politicians play games with their healthcare. He thinks it's time for Missouri leaders to finally bring bipartisan cooperation to this critical issue.


The opioid epidemic is destroying lives, devastating families, and crippling communities across our nation. Chris knows our state has been hit harder than most. Missourians make up over 1,000 of the 28,000 lives claimed annually by this epidemic in the United States. And over the last decade, emergency room visits for opioid overdoses more than doubled in Missouri.

Drug monitoring programs have been an important tool used by states to combat the epidemic. Missouri is the only state without such a program, despite enjoying the support of law enforcement, community advocates, pharmacists and doctors, and leaders in both parties. Chris knows this crisis should transcend partisanship -- but like many of the issues in front of our legislature, a small number of extremists blocked progress on implementing a drug monitoring program.

Chris thinks it's the responsibility of Missouri leaders to work together and finally put an end to the obstruction allowing the opioid epidemic to ravage our state.


Instead of working to make real improvements to our state's healthcare system, Missouri legislators have been spending their time pushing dozens of bills every year to further restrict women's healthcare. Organizations such as Planned Parenthood have been used as political pawns by extremists in the majority party. Chris knows providing greater access to contraception and preventive care should be the priority for Missouri leaders. Chris will protect a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions.
