Issue Position: Animal Welfare and Wildlife Conservation

Issue Position

Throughout my time as a public servant, I have always understood the need to fight for the interests of those in our society without a voice, and animals are no exception. Animal cruelty, exploitation, and negligence are inexcusable, and we must work together to make sure that vulnerable animals are protected.

It is important that our domesticated pets and farm animals are treated in ethical, humane ways. That is why I have been a staunch supporter of legislation aimed at shutting down puppy mills, ending cruel and abusive practices like horse soring, and raising the living standards and conditions of animals that are used to produce food.

We should also be concerned about the health of wildlife populations in our area and around the country. In addition to their innate intrinsic value, animals play a valuable role in our environment, and many contribute greatly to the well-being of human society. Unfortunately, in our modern world, many creatures are suffering from the effects of habitat destruction, pollution, and disease that may often be exacerbated by human activities. We all have a responsibility to ensure that human actions that negatively impact wildlife are reasonably minimized
