Issue Position: Healthcare and MNsure

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Minnesotans deserve better healthcare options. A 2014 report indicated that Minnesota's healthcare premiums are increasing at a higher rate than 48 other states, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, the state's largest insurer, recently announced it will no longer sell health plans for individuals and families, affecting 103,000 Minnesotans. MNsure has been a disaster from the start: higher costs, fewer choices, and folks left to navigate a dysfunctional state bureaucracy to try to get health insurance. MNsure either needs to be reformed or repealed and replaced. Governor Dayton and DFL legislators have refused to fix MNsure, despite the non-partisan Legislative Auditor's report stating the obvious: that the MNsure failures outweigh benefits. There needs to be more freedom in choosing a doctor, the plan, the coverage, and cost that work best for each individual and we need more competition in the market place to bring costs down and the quality of care up.
