No 2H2O From Iran Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 13, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HILL. I thank the chairman for yielding, and I thank Mr. Pompeo for his work on this measure.

Mr. Speaker, I stand in strong support of H.R. 5119, and I am a proud cosponsor of this legislation.

Here, on the anniversary of Mr. Obama's deal with the theocracy of Iran, passing the No 2H2O from Iran Act is a commonsense thing to do.

There is nothing in the failed, ill-conceived, misdirected, poorly designed disaster of a nuclear deal which says the United States Government is required to help Iran fulfill its commitments to limit its stores of heavy water. I remain unconvinced today by the arguments of my friends in the loyal opposition of the idea that our government would obligate our taxpayers or even possess an option to buy Iranian heavy water in the future. It is ridiculous. There is a private market for heavy water in this world, and the Iranians are welcome to meet their deal obligations in that private market. It is Iran's responsibility to comply with the limits of its heavy water agreement.

As to the nuclear deal, it is not the United States' or any other country's responsibility to buy a commodity in an already limited global market from a government that has done nothing to indicate that it is a friend.

I am proud to support this legislation, and I encourage all of my colleagues to support its passage.

I thank the chairman for his leadership consistently on analyzing the President's transaction with Iran and its shortcomings. Here, a year has passed, and we still see the failings of this transaction every time we turn.

