Issue Position: Reform Public Education

Issue Position

Washington State law guarantees every child a quality education. House and Senate Republicans have made school funding a top priority while implementing reform!

We must fund Education first! We need to convince Democrats to join with us to fund education first so that there's not a tendency on their part to leave it until last and then ask for tax increases to make up the difference. Republicans have led the charge to put kids, parents, schools and taxpayers first! Our public schools deserve our first dollar, not our last!

* More rigor in our academic standards for students

* Improve Washington's 77% high school graduation rate

* Promote innovation and reward success

* Prepare every student for vocational training, college or the workforce

* Attract the brightest and best teachers and administrators

* Fund more science, technology, engineering and math programs

* Allow and promote innovative charter schools

* Attract pioneering academic leaders to improve our education system
