Issue Position: Responsible and SMART Policing

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Innocent people fall prey and victim to improper police practices (whether intentional or by accident). We need a system in place that encourages and holds accountable those responsible for establishing and monitoring proper police practice.

Who does this effect?
The community is always affected when improper policing occurs. Whether the end result is something as nominal as a traffic ticket or as detrimental as loss of life, we are all impacted. When an occurrence of improper authority, abuse (verbal or physical) or procedure occurs it impacts the community in one of the following ways: tax dollars (training/hiring/overtime), criminal morale (instills a sense of hopelessness and therefore encourages poor behavior and choices) and/or community dependency (grandparents raising grand kids, teachers babysitting instead of educating, children allowing media to influence instead of looking at societies role models).

Why should we do this?
It is time to make a change and hold those responsible for policing the police accountable.

How we would like to see it implemented.
The laws surrounding police negligence must change. There must be a zero tolerance initiative in place that strongly discourages making the wrong decision at critical moments.
