Issue Position: Native American Issues

Issue Position

As Lt. Governor of Virginia, I was honored to work closely with the six State recognized tribes of Virginia in the preservation of their culture and traditions and I will continue to support their efforts at the Federal level in their quest for Federal recognition.

Under the U.S. Constitution and Federal law, the United States has a unique obligation to uphold the sovereign status of its Tribal Nations and to work with them on a government to government basis. I will respect and uphold that obligation.

I also recognize that, while a number of tribes have become financially prosperous through their trust resources and economic diversification, there are still too many tribes and tribal members who, disgracefully, are at the lowest end of our Country's economic scale. Our Nation's Indian tribes still suffer from the Country's worst health care, infant mortality rate, unemployment levels, dropout rates, domestic abuse, alcohol and drug addiction, housing and education levels. I pledge to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to continue Congressman Moran's advocacy, in his role as Chairman of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, on behalf of our Country's First Americans.
