Column: While Celebrating Our Independence, We Need to Support Those Making it Possible

Date: July 4, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

While Celebrating Our Independence, We Need to Support Those Making it Possible

July 4th is a day of celebration - of our independence, our freedom, and our way of life. Since that first Independence Day in 1776, hundreds of thousands of people have come to our shores to begin life in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

This 4th of July, we celebrate the fact that we are indeed the land of the free and the home of the brave! This week, as we celebrate the 239th Anniversary of our Independence, many of our own brave men and women are protecting our national interests abroad. The diversity of these men and women is one of our greatest strengths, and yet we all share a common thread, a common bond - we are all Americans.

During a recent trip to Iraq to visit with some of our brave soldiers, I spoke to a young man named Michael who was stationed in the city of Fallujah. Michael told me that he was "watching the birth of a democracy" and he was very proud of the contributions he made to make that a reality. We talked for a few more minutes and Michael was genuinely interested in what folks back home thought of him, the others who were serving with him, and the work they were doing. Without hesitating, I looked at Michael and told him that we were all proud of his work, his contributions and the sacrifices he has made.

Michael needed to know that someone back home cared about the work he was doing and the commitment he had to our nation. This 4th of July, as you celebrate the freedoms you enjoy, you can help me send a clear message to Michael and all of his brave colleagues abroad - America supports you!

You can send that message easily by visiting and registering your support for the troops on the Department?s Web site dedicated to this cause at "America Supports You" is a nationwide program launched by the Department of Defense to recognize citizens? support for our military and to communicate that support to members of our Armed Services at home and abroad.
