What We Know About the Orlando Attack

Floor Speech

Date: June 15, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, we all know the facts from the Orlando attack, and they are absolutely heartbreaking. We know that the terrorist pledged his allegiance to ISIS before he carried out the assault and murder of 49 people.

We also know that we need to be supporting our law enforcement. What we are learning is that law enforcement, local law enforcement, is constrained by political correctness. They are constrained by lack of communication. They are constrained, and we have to understand that they are on the front lines in this fight. Congress must listen to the FBI, Homeland Security, and other law enforcement entities and give them the tools that they need to protect our communities.

This attack calls into question the assessment, threat assessment programs, the vetting, and the information sharing that is in place. The FBI twice investigated the Orlando shooter. This reveals vetting is nearly impossible. The vetting process being nearly impossible is one of the reasons that we need to halt the migration of Syrian refugees until a proper process is in place.

