Issue Position: Think of the challenges we face. Here in District 137

Issue Position

the issues often come down to the basics. We need roads and bridges, more jobs and stronger economic development, protections for the water we cannot live without, and access to health care in an era of closing or struggling hospitals, of course, but things as simple as keeping the local grocery store open matter enormously. When the education appropriations are down, local property taxes go up to cover the shortfall. We have had to design some creative solutions during these hard times. That means that a good representative is more than someone who pushes a voting button at her desk in the Chamber. I am an advocate, too. I am a community builder. I understand the importance of making slow but steady progress on issues real people care about. It takes leadership that can reach across the aisle to turn things around.

With truly critical priorities like these, this is not the time to send someone to Atlanta who will need "on the job training.'
