Conservative Solutions for America


Over the past four years, I have always supported conservative, commonsense solutions for the American people and fought back against our liberal president's dangerous agenda. Now that we have been joined by a Republican Senate in our fight against the president, I wanted to provide you with an update on what we've done in just our first month back to make these conservative solutions a reality.

Defund Amnesty

Border Security is National Security. We can't even begin to discuss any type of immigration policy without first securing our borders. When the president extended amnesty to five million illegal immigrants, we stood up and said not just no, but HELL NO. The House has already passed a bill to defund executive amnesty completely, and it even goes back and gets rid of earlier Obama directives. Senate Democrats are trying to block our bill with a filibuster, something they decried when they were in power. I have strongly urged my colleagues in the Senate to hold strong and defund this unconstitutional, unlawful action.

Repeal Obamacare

Obamacare is destroying our nation. It's bad for families, it's bad for small businesses and it's bad for America. Not to mention that the taxes in the law are just now taking effect. We must get this law off the books as soon as possible. The House again took the lead this week and passed a complete and full repeal of the law. We've also passed targeted repeal bills. So, whether we take it down all at once or chip away at it every day, we will continue to work until Obamacare is gone for good.

Abolish Common Core

Yet another federal mandate handed down by liberals, Common Core is a complete disaster. It forces local school districts and states to enforce ridiculous standards or lose federal funding. The federal government should not be involved in our kids' education. Last year, Congress actually passed and the president signed a bill to completely defund the Race to the Top grants that are used to entice states to participate in Common Core. And just last week, I joined Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina in introducing a bill that would get rid of Common Core once and for all.

We are going to put this president on record to explain to the American people why he supports illegal immigrants over hard-working Americans, why he supports taxing small businesses out of business, and why he wants to overregulate companies out of our country. We must stand and fight!

I hope you will join me in this fight.
