Issue Position: No Guns for Criminals, Mentally Ill, or Those Receiving Any Kind of Public Aid and/or Housing Assitance

Issue Position

I believe every decent law-abiding self-supporting American has the right to possess, purchase, or sell any gun of their choice that is legally available.

However, I do not believe any gang member, illegal alien, person with a history of mental illness, a drug user or dealer or anyone receiving public aid should be allowed to own a gun.

The National Rifle Association went to court to defend the alleged right of public housing residents to own guns. That is just plain stupid. From where does the NRA think these gangs come and grow to terrorize the innocent citizens of this country?

All these Black and Hispanic housing complexes are populated by thousands of these street gang thugs, living in subsidized housing where they hide their guns and plan their killings.

I propose a Federal law forbidding any resident receiving any kind of public aid or living in public housing complexes from owning a gun or hiding a gun. The penalty for violating such a law would be a minimum of six years in prison. One year for each bullet in a revolver.

Without the place to stash their guns or to live in, crime would be drastically reduced across the country and the local police would be better able to control these gangs with such a Federal law.

We need more jobs, not more wars!
