Default Prevention Act

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 21, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ROKITA. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman.
I rise today in simple, but strong, support for H.R. 692, the Default
Prevention Act.

This commonsense bill makes clear that the United States and those
who vote on the floor of this Chamber prioritize our debt and our
Social Security payments over our reckless government and otherwise
irresponsible spending.

With this bill, we take the hysteria out of our spending debate and
codify the integrity of our Nation's full faith and credit. And I would
say, Madam Speaker, that those that appear to oppose this bill really
and truly at the end of the day need the hysteria that surrounds this
issue to not go away simply so political points around this issue can
continue to be made.

Now, here is a real scary point, not political at all. Today, as we
stand here, our national debt stands in excess of $18 trillion. Yet,
according to the Congressional Budget Office, government revenues
were $3.25 trillion for fiscal year 2015 alone.

With $3.25 trillion revenue coming in, ladies and gentlemen, we do
not have a revenue problem. But with $18 trillion in debt, we certainly
have a spending problem. We must get to the root of it, and this bill
is a responsible step forward.

It is a responsible step forward because it truly takes the politics
of this debt and this hysteria off the table so that we can see as
American people and as a Congress so that we can be exposed to the
problems so that we can face it and, ultimately, so that we can solve

That is what we came to Washington to do. I think a little bit all of
us did. For me, it is the majority of why I came to Washington, so that
our tough decisions can be faced, met, resolved, and we can ultimately
reduce this debt so that our children and grandchildren in the here and
now and yet to come don't have to be the first and second generations
in American history that are left worse off.

